Minding Your Movie Business Workshop Key Agreements and How to Negotiate Them | Preview Trailer

Minding Your Movie Business Workshop Key Agreements and How to Negotiate Them | Preview Trailer

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Runtime: 90 mins
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The second workshop, Key Agreements and How to Negotiate Them, will be aired on April 12th at 7:00pm ET on Eventive. Following the link below to register:

As Academy Award winner Spike Lee once said, “If you don’t know about something, then you ask the right people who do.”

Emerging filmmakers: rejoice! Our three “Minding Your Movie Business” workshops put you on the inside track. Come (virtually) meet movie industry professionals who are very much the right person to ask about getting your film made–and seen.

Led by a partner of Global Entertainment and Media practice at the prestigious Paul Hastings Law Firm, and Los Angeles-based entertainment attorney Craig Emanuel, these workshops will focus on

  • Learning the best practices for financing a film project
  • Understanding the role of Film Guilds, Film Markets (and other various terms)
  • Maximizing film exposure at a Film Festival

The series will be presented by March On, moderated by March On board member Craig Emanuel, introduced by Executive Director, David Andrusia, and produced by Brandon Smith.