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Immersive Salon Opening Reception and Special Screening for Love Machina

Immersive Salon Opening Reception and Special Screening for Love Machina

Runtime: 1 hr 36 min
October 10 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Eaton DC Workshop, Barnett-Aden Room

1201 K. St. NW
Washington, DC 20002

MARCH ON Immersive approaches the power of storytelling with technical innovations of the past and future. Showcasing bold and intimate experiences that reveal the algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) behind our social platforms, project room scale motion capture portraits, and virtual reality ( VR) world building with our ancestors. Join us where artists and communities are creating new forms of teaching, technology and transcendence.

What is Immersive? Immersive can refer to experiences, media content, or types of storytelling that make you feel like you are a part of the story. This may be achieved through a number of formats including

  • VR (virtual reality) where you are fully immersed in a virtual world through a headset;
  • AR (augmented reality) digital objects and filters that interact with the physical world through phone and touch pad screens, think Pokemon Go!;
  • Large-scale projections that display scenes and images on walls or buildings.

About the film

Can love last forever? Married for over forty years, Martine and Bina Rothblatt are deeply inspired by Octavia Butler’s book series Earthseed and her concept of “two bodies, one soul, forever in love.” As one of the world’s highest-paid female CEOs and founder of SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Martine is no stranger to reaching for the stars and has unlimited resources to make her bond with Bina everlasting. The Rothblatts commission Bina48, the first AI robot based on a living human being, using an “AI mindfile” of Bina’s consciousness. Housed inside a robotic bust, Bina48 represents the future and that future is Black and female (based on code written by white men). What does it mean when representation and code come from different sources? Love Machina asks big questions about essence and embodiment, gender and race, human connection and love, and places unexpected and much-needed emphasis on empathy, understanding and benevolence while exploring the future applications of cryopreservation, digital consciousness, xenotransplantation and space settlement.

Film: Love Machina

Doors Open At 6:00 p.m.

Ticket price: Free with RSVP